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Day 1: Team Volume, Rank Advancement, & Cycling


So let's jump right in! Building to diamond is great and an important step in your business,  but your goal should be to build a solid foundation and a sustainable, thriving business. We want to you to be a SOLID diamond so that you can keep moving forward and help your Personally Sponsored Coaches hit Diamond as well. So lets talk about Team Volume and Team Cycle Bonuses.


Understanding how to build Team Volume and earn Team Cycle Bonuses is vital for your business growth. Today's video from our Volume training and fellow Elite Coach Jaimie Sheppard provides a  great explanation. It will show you how to increase your earnings through team volume and earning the team cycle bonus and how important it is to focus on your team and build volume rather than focus on your title.


Rank doesn’t increase your bonus but building a sustainable business will. When you bring strong Coaches onto your team who work the business, your income will steadily grow. It is all about having a solid foundation of customers and Coaches rank advancement. For a refresher on volume and rank advancement basics watch the additional video provided below from Michael.  Still have questions???  Post them in the comments on our GVT Diamond Dash FB Accountability Group under our daily accountability!




Go and check your volume on both legs and share 3 things you can do to make sure you hit your cycle bonus.

Additional Refresher Video on Rank Advancement:

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